The Circle of Divination.

Set your Altar to your own preference, complete with Items to represent the four quarters and your scrying mirror or crystal.  This ritual should be performed at night.
Open your circle in the usual manner, then approach the Altar and say.
"Friends of the night,
Spirits of mist filled places and moonlight,
You who are seldom seen,
Be with me now
And part the veil of concealment,
That I may look beyond"
Now take the symbol you have chosen to represent the East to its quarter and say.
"Ye elements of air,
hearken to your sign,
open the window of where and when
and let me see beyond"
Go back the the Altar an relace the pick up the symbol for the Southern quarter and approach that quarter saying.
"O mighty elementals of fire and flame,
Hearken to your sign,
Open the windows of where and when,
And let me see beyond"
Approach the Altar, replace the symbol,  pick up the symbol for the west and approach that quarter saying.
"O great elementals of water,
hearken to your sign,
Open the windows of where and when
And let me see beyond"
Repeat these actions in the Northern quarter, and as you approach that quarter holding its symbol, say.
"O Great elementals of Earth,
Hearken to your sign,
open the windows of where and when
And let me see beyond"

Replace your symbol on the Altar.
Face the Eastern quarter and while still standing at your Altar say.
"O Great Queen of all magics and silences,
I have gathered together the Spirits of Nature,
That they may assist me in delving into  the far beyond times.
I ask that you make strong and keen my inner eyes,
As I seek out the hidden, which lies concealed behind the veil.
Grant only influences that are good admittance to this Circle,
For this Rite is yours, O lady of mystery.
Be with me this night, I beseech thee"
Divination is now performed.
Before closing say.
"I give thanks to the hidden ones who are not of this world and whose presence assisted me in this work tonight.
And I salute in my heart, the Great Mother of all things living, the Blessed one, without which we would not be.
Dont forget to try this rite out, Ive used it many times and found it very effective.